A lot of web pages will find an SEO sitemap useful in improving their performance. SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”, the process that aims to create or revise Internet sites so that it can be better found by search engines. The objective of SEO campaigns is to have websites appear in the top listing or first results page of search engines.

Internet search engines, such as Google and A9, maintain a very large database of Web pages and available files. To do this, they devise a program called a web crawler, or spider. This software automatically and continuously surfs and hunts content in the Web. Pages that the spider finds are retrieved and indexed according to text content, giving more weight to titles and paragraph headers. Spiders never stop navigating the web from page to page, to index the relevant content of the Internet. Besides looking at the text of titles and headers, some programs are able to identify default tags and keep a library of these page keywords or key phrases in the index.

When a user connects to the Internet types a query, which is automatically interpreted as keywords, the search engine scans the saved index and creates a list of web pages that is most appropriate to what the user is searching for.

SEO will use all the combined techniques of keyword analysis, smart code, good content literature, link popularity study and website organization to place the subject web page as high as possible in the list of search results in search engines. Web pages displayed on the top of results pages are assumed to get the most attention, and therefore, opportunity for earnings for web businesses and pages with sponsor links.

Search engines usually return a list of results ranking pages according to the number of Internet sites linked to them. Results can be classified as organic, or sponsored links. Sponsored links are shown prominently because their creators or agents paid the search engine. Sponsored links are the main source of income of search engines. “Organic” search results are the lists of actual results from the engines index and are directly related to the keyword typed in the request.
One of the more effective techniques of SEO is the creation of a well-organized site map in a website. Since the site’s main page and other content are directly linked to a site map, spiders can more easily move through the website, identify the key words of the content, and index these for a search engine. This is where the SEO sitemap helps the website creator or administrator.

Site maps are usually pages filled with links. These are shown as tables or lists, although lists are generally more effective. Writing code for SEO sitemaps is very easy and simple to format and maintain. These are ideally basic HTML pages with default tags, logical titles and keywords scattered in the Meta description. Introduction areas can contain more of the keywords. The site should have a main heading for every directory.

A simple list layout helps reduce unnecessary tags that might “hide” your keywords. Some spiders give more weight to the following, than text in the normal body of the webpage: heading text, content within link elements, text nearer the top of the page and the text written for a link. Therefore, writing the keywords and links in these areas could somehow move up the web page’s ranking. This goes for SEO sitemaps as well.

Web sites should be designed consistently, so navigation models should follow the flow of the site map. Therefore, the first section in the site map should be the first link in the navigation bar.

In an SEO Sitemap, and most pages, the headings contain title attributes where more key phrases in the site map can be added. Keywords are generally well chosen and written in the body of a webpage. However, in an SEO site map with little text, key words should be added as much as possible. As much as possible, web links should follow web page titles, and must undergo SEO during coding. Care must be exercised not to cram the page with keywords and links, or the page will be interpreted as blatant spamming and not receive any traffic at all.

There is no way to guarantee that a website will be shown in the topmost ranking of "organic" search results for an extended period of time. However, smart and responsible SEO sitemap techniques can be used to place the website high up in the search position. Regular monitoring and adjustment of the SEO Sitemap and search results would ensure that a website is kept near the top ranking and receiving lots of web user traffic.

There are loads of programs available that promise that you can "Get Rich Quick". This one is different. It is easy and simple to do and costs absolutely nothing.

get rich quick, positive thoughts, low self-esteem, pity-party, negative thinking

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How often do we receive this message each day in our email or blasted to us over the airwaves? Too many to count and so much so that we become numb to the message.

Here is exactly how to get rich quick. Count your blessings. What? You have no blessings? Oops! Think again! Everyone can find some blessings if they but look more closely.

The love of your family and friends and your love of humanity. Perhaps you find ‘love’ a strange word to use so you do not call it ‘love’ per se; perhaps you call it a deep sense of wishing the very best for those closest to you; and an abiding positive wish for all the best of life for them. This feeling, that many call ‘love’ is the fountain from which all other blessings flow.

Your job, vocation or profession:
Even though there may be days you dread the clamor of the alarm clock, and you drag yourself out of bed to face another day of problems to solve and people that try your patience it is after all a blessing.

Many people do not have even a job, much less a vocation or profession. Look beyond the rude people and problems and see them as an opportunity to make a difference in some way. You may not change those rude people into mild mannered, genteel people but you can change you and how you react to them. This is your opportunity to practice patience and tolerance and perhaps these people will recognize this seed and plant it within themselves.

“Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.” This quote was made famous by the French hypnotist Emile Coue’. This is a wonderful quote to keep in mind when you find yourself slipping into a morass of negative thinking. Our minds are more powerful than we give them credit for being. It is truly amazing that our subconscious mind will grab on to just one negative thought and refuse to let it go, whereas it may take several times (or several hundred) positive thoughts to reprogram that thought, but it will happen with perseverance.

So, the next time you are feeling low self-esteem and getting ready to throw yourself a pity-party, or are overwhelmed with your bills, just remember: Get Rich Quick! Count Your Blessings!

Author of two books and many short stories, J.P. Ransom is busily writing a series of books called Colla’d Greens and two more upcoming books including a sequel to Born Evil...

evil, suspense, drama, horror, fiction

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Author of two books and many short stories, J.P. Ransom is busily writing a series of books called Colla’d Greens and two more upcoming books including a sequel to Born Evil.

Born Evil is a compact, 150-page book that is printed on acid-free paper – which may be of interest to the environmentally conscious consumer. I would categorize this book as a chilling horror, which involves an infant that is born evil. Traumatized by early experiences, only compounds Jonathan’s natural inclination – a cruel desire to cause harm. Unprepared for a disturbed child, his adopted parents are continually wallowing in deep pits of overwhelming uncertainty. Rick suspects the truth, but Trish finds it very hard to imagine or even accept that little Jonathon is capable of such hateful acts.

I think the book makes a good point that some people are simply born with a desire to do harm, with no abusive situation to attribute these urges to. Readers are also shown how these urges can easily be encouraged through socially acceptable entertainment and through being witness to violent acts.

While reading Born Evil, I experienced a wide range of emotions from anger to sorrow and shock. The conclusion was exceptional and I look forward to J.P. Ransom’s sequel.

ISBN#: 1410788520
Author: J.P. Ransom
Publisher: Author House

Uncover the sectrets of the champions to help you achieve your goals in life. You must be careful about what you focus on when you are chasing down your goal. This article shows you what the champions focus on as opposed to everyone else

Stress, Success, Sport, Focus, Emotion

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In this article I'm going to be talking about a subject that has just recently been brought to my attention. Although I’ve been teaching it a fair bit of recent years. I’ve learned so many new applications for it recently, so I’ve brought it forward. I would have spoken about it a little later in the series, but I think it is pretty darn important that we talk about it earlier rather than later, and that is understanding that "practice makes perfect".

There is a time to look at results and a time to focus on process or the action steps required to get the result.

I noticed the importance of this a number of years ago when I began doing work with some of the best junior tennis players in our country. I would be traveling around the country observing and coaching these very talented individuals. I would always ask this question "what is the most important part of your game at this high level of competition? The physical part, meaning the skill and fitness, or the mental and emotional part"? In every case the answer was the mental and emotional. Mostly because at the highest level of competition all of the players have a great deal of skill and fitness.

The second question I would ask is "how much time per day do you put into practicing the mental and emotional side of the game"? What do you think the answer was? you guest it, "none" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and it was consistent all over the country, the most important part of their game was receiving no time or attention. And what was even worse, when I observed the players practicing I would notice that every time they made a mistake they would get frustrated and angry.

So let me ask you a question, what happens when you repeat an action over and over? That's right it becomes habit. So in essence what these tennis players were practicing was anger and frustration, so guess what happens under the pressure of competition? They would get angry and frustrated when things didn't go their way, which causes tension and tightness in the body, which doesn't allow the athlete to play at their best, which in turn causes more negative emotion and the cycle just keeps compounding until the player smashes the racquet on the ground or throws it over the fence!

Now right about now you might be asking what has this got to do with me? How can this help me? Well I think the same thing happens with many people. They practice negative emotions every day.

There are many situations during the day when little challenges present themselves, (some people call them problems, but we don't anymore do we?) where with a little bit of positive thought and discipline we could come up with a positive response, but we don't. We get a tiny bit angry or frustrated, we take the easy way out and let our emotions control us, we have a lazy approach to our emotional mastery.

Do you remember the "Law Of The Farm"? 1 cent doubled every day works out to be almost 11 million dollars. Well we need to apply this law to our emotional lives. Look at these seemingly insignificant challenges as tremendous opportunities to practice our positive emotions. If you do this at every available opportunity, you will notice yourself having more and more positive responses to life's little challenges. You will amaze yourself at how different your emotional responses can be even under the most trying circumstances.

So continue to ask yourself the question "what emotions am I practicing"? Because practice does make perfect, but what do you want to make perfect? Your negative emotions, I think not. So let's make sure we are practicing the good stuff!

Till next time, remember you only have your bad habits to lose so,

All good things,

Writers, directors and producers play a vital role in the building of the storyline of a play. The script modeled by them encompasses various kinds of arts to be taken into consideration to bring out the true essence of the story. The various factors considered helps to classify the genre of theater into various subcategories like comedy, tragedy, musical, drama, and action.

In a musical theater the story is narrated by signing, which can be accompanied by dialog delivery or dance or both. This type of conveyance of art was adopted especially during the Greek times. Later on background instrumental music was also added to it.

The word comedy originated from the Greek word “Komos” meaning celebration or merrymaking. Comedy plays may not actually go by the literal meaning of comedy that is the whole play can be funny or there can be plays with some adversities to start with but at the end could have a joyous finishing. Comedy too can be further classified as pantomime, comedy of situation, romantic comedy, black comedy and comedy of manners.

The type of theater dedicated entirely to entertain the children is known as pantomime. Usually a musical drama accompanied with dance and comedy is brought during the holiday season exclusively for the kids.

Comedy of situation as the name suggests begins with a messy situation which leads to a problem which they concentrate to resolve on throughout the rest of the play.

Comedy can also be flavored with romance to give a nice feeling to the spectators and to take them into dreams of fascination. The focus is on the love story between the leading actor and actress which is sparked with canny plots, calculated coincidences which ultimately results in them getting together and living happily ever after.

Although morally acceptable, black comedy has ghastly experiences with some comical elements in contrast with it.

Comedy of manners is dependant on a serious note but with a light outlook. Dramatic comedy is made a part of the play which revolves around the social standards and mannerism which is expected to be respected by the actors during the play.

Commedia dell'arte, native to Italy, includes an array of comical events which are created on the spur of the moment.

Melodrama is the typical stereotype dramas where there is a hero and a heroine who suffer at the hands of a villain and in the end they gain triumph over the evil-doer.

Play comprising of bitter events and which result in sorrowful consequences is know as tragedy. The word tragedy has been derived from the Greek word “Tragos” which means goat. It has been derived from this word because the blood of goat is used as a replacement to bring a real feeling to the bloodshed during the play.

A blend of comedy and tragedy is known as tragicomedy which has elements of tragedy and comedy within it.

Theaters targeting real life social issues play a vital role in opening the eyes of the audience and make them aware of the wrongdoings in the society. By doing so it encourages the spectators to address a change in their way of living or on a large scale a change in the whole society.

Morality play have theme with more spirituality and morality.

Play that focuses on the nick-nacks of the daily life and relationships between common people is known as domestic drama.

The type of theater having implausible situations, high exaggeration, and violence and with some spice of comedy to relieve the audience of the pressure is known as farce.

In the Indian peninsula, the Natya and Nautanki form of theater arts evolved. The Natya is a sacred classical version of musical theater. Folklores are enacted by dancing to Indian classical music known as nritta and facial expressions or mime known as Natya proper. The other theater art Nautanki, is usually staged in streets. The storyline of these street plays are usually mythological dramas which also include folk songs and dances.

Opera is a more musical experience with emotions being expressed with songs and music.

Rock opera is more like the usual opera only that the music played along with the songs is rock oriented.

Fantasy is that genre where the hero enacts a fictitious story usually a happy one. Sometimes the characters have proxy supernatural powers.

Plays where the story is being explained using body movement, gestures, dance, mime, and puppetry is known as physical theater.

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